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New Lount NR is in North West Leicestershire.
New Lount NR is a former colliery site, the area is mainly woodland, forming a part of the National Forest. The muddy surrounds of the small pools can hold kszyk in Winter. The feeders at the car park (only open 0900-1600hrs) have regular visits by modraszka, bogatka (zwyczajna), kowalik, zięba, dzięcioł duży and sójka. In Spring/Summer piecuszek, pierwiosnek, kapturka and gajówka can be found nearby. The speciality of the reserve is sikora uboga, being increasingly rare over most of it's range they are doing really well at this site, as a comparison czarnogłówka (zwyczajna) can also be found here. sosnówka, pełzacz leśny, dzwoniec and puszczyk zwyczajny are also regularly seen.
During Winter the ever difficult to find słonka are around, usually more crepuscular in habit along woodland edges, an evening visit may be needed for this species though. Over open fields myszołów, pustułka (zwyczajna) and kania ruda, are possible, along woodland edges krogulec can be seen hunting the many small birds. In Spring the open areas may produce białorzytka, drozd obrożny and even kulik wielki may briefly drop in. In Winter the open areas usually have droździk and kwiczoł and occasionally siewka złota and czajka have been seen.
New Lount NR is Northeast of the town of Ashby-De-La-Zouch. On the East side of the town is a large roundabout on the A42, follow signs to Loughborough on the A512 (Ashby Road), continue on this road and turn Left at sign Hathern/Newbold B5324 (Rempstone Road). Continue on B5324 and turn Left at sign Newbold/Lount on road called Melbourne Road, the reserve entrance is further along this road on the Left. The reserve is open 24 hours, if the reserve car park is closed use alternate layby further along Melbourne Road (press Star on map).
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