
Llanelli WWT

Carmarthenshire  >  United Kingdom

The Llanelli WWT site has habitats including areas of saltmarsh and mudflats, wet meadows, reedbeds, scrapes and a specially constructed lagoon.

Dodane* przez Marnix Roels
Ostatnia aktualizacja 3 października 2022


Apart from a site which houses a collection of captive swans, geese and ducks, Llanelli WWT (part of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust) also gives access to the larger Millennium Wetlands area with lakes, scrapes and woods. Wintering wildfowl include szlachar, gągoł, cyraneczka, świstun, rożeniec, bernikla obrożna and łabędź krzykliwy. Waders may include ostrygojad, kulik wielki, krwawodziób, brodziec śniady, kwokacz, siewka złota, siewnica, biegus rdzawy and szlamnik. rycyk are present all year round. wodnik (zwyczajny) and bekasik also winter but are secretive. Other waders seen on passage include kulik mniejszy, batalion, brodziec piskliwy, samotnik, łęczak, biegus krzywodzioby and biegus malutki. October to April is the best time to visit Llanelli with peak waterfowl numbers in January.



To reach the Llanelli WWT site, take exit 48 from the M4, head south and follow the duck signs.

Using public transport, the nearest station is in Llanelli, approximately two miles away. It's just a 35 - 40 minute walk or a 15 minute cycle and Llanelli's brilliant and beautiful coastal path is a scenic and eco-friendly way to reach us. Alternatively, a taxi takes around 10 minutes.

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