
Little Haldon - Teignmouth Golf Course

Devon  >  United Kingdom

Little Haldon and Teignmouth Golf Course is North of the Teign Estuary in South Devon.

Dodane* przez Baz Willmott
Ostatnia aktualizacja 17 listopada 2022


An area of lowland heath, conifer plantations and golf course, approximately 2 miles South of Haldon Forest SSSI (see separate entry). The area comprises of Heath (Calluna and Erica), Gorse (Ulex) and a number or Devon Whitebeam (Karpatiosorbus devoniensis) trees, whilst surrounding trees and plantations can hold krzyżodziób świerkowy, czyż, mysikrólik and czeczotka brazowa. The heathland has lelek, kląskawka, pokrzewka kasztanowata and the occasional uszatka błotna. Park and overlook Golf Course (PRIVATE DO NOT ENTER) for more open ground species, Press STARS on map for more information.

During breeding season DO NOT deviate from well worn paths.



If traveling from Exeter (to the North East) leave on M5 motorway/A38 Devon Expressway signed Plymouth. On arriving at steep Telegraph Hill (Note 4 lanes of traffic) get in Left hand lanes, follow signs to Teignmouth/Newton Abbot/Torquay A380. (*A) Continue on A380 going through wooded areas, stay in Left hand lane, take Left slip road signed Teignmouth B3192, at next roundabout take second exit signed Teignmouth/Shaldon B3192. Continue on B3192 passing through farmland, road passes through a wooded section and shortly passes through heathland, Little Haldon car park is on the Left. If traveling from Newton Abbot on A380 follow signs to Exeter, leave A380 at sign to Ashcombe/Chudleigh. This road crosses over A380, at next roundabout take third exit signed Teignmouth/Shaldon B3192 and follow from (*A) above. Note there are two further car parks South of Teignmouth Golf Course with interconnecting footpaths (Press STARS on map).

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