
Isle of Arran

Ayrshire, Scotland  >  United Kingdom

Large island of 25x12 miles in the Firth of Clyde. 'Scotland in miniature' with mountain, pine forest, lowland farming and fisheries.

Dodane* przez Iain Crawford
Ostatnia aktualizacja 17 marca 2023
To miejsce Ptasie Miejsce nie został jeszcze oceniony. Bądź pierwszą osobą, która oceni od 1 do 5 gwiazdek


The northern half of the Isle of Arran is rugged, mountainous, remote country and is the most southerly site in the UK for breeding pardwa górska. The south has gentler moorland, extensive conifer plantations and much of the island’s farmland. Much of the coast is raised beach with a shoreline of rock or shingle, and steep escarpments. On the Isle of Arran 250 bird species have been seen. Best coastal birding spots for autumn migrants and winter wildfowl are Lochranza, Lamlash and Sliddery. Many raptors in the upland areas eg błotniak zbożowy, sokół wędrowny, orzeł przedni, myszołów, drzemlik, kruk, uszatka błotna as well as pluszcz, kląskawka, Pardwa mszarna, białorzytka and pleszka. lelek and słonka in the forest clearings. Mammals include red squirrel, red and roe deer, seals, otters and dolphins.



Ferry from Ardrossan to Brodick which takes 55 minutes. Several departures every day. See the link below for info on timetable and tickets. Ardrossan is 30 miles SW of Glasgow and accessible by rail. By bus: Stagecoach operates services throughout the week from Glasgow to Ardrossan and also operates across the Isle of Arran, connecting Lochranza in the north and Brodick in the south of the island. Passengers can find bus services and islands tours adjacent to terminal buildings.

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Las , Tereny podmokłe , Góry , Jezioro , Plaża , Błota , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Wrzosowisko , Rzeka , Morze , Miasto/wieś


Górzysty , Płaski , Piaszczysty , Bagienny , Pagórkowaty , Skalisty

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