
Hyde Park

Central London  >  United Kingdom

The trees , shrub beds and herbaceous plantings provide rich habitats for song birds including rudzik, raniuszek zwyczajny and so much more.

Dodane* przez tayla
Ostatnia aktualizacja 2 kwietnia 2023


Hyde Park is with 140 hectares one of the lagest city parks in London. The park is divided by the Serpentine and the Long Water lakes. The Serpentine attracts a large number of wildfowl into the park, many of which are winter visitors. Look out for the perkoz dwuczuby and their spectacular mating rituals. The lake also attracts a large number of insects that provides a perfect feeding ground for bats. The best place to view bats is on Dell bridge around dusk and also close to Serpentine Bridge.

Much of the wildlife in the park goes unnoticed by the majority of visitors. This includes a large number of 'minibeasts' such as beetles, bees and ground foraging insects. These insects are a vital component of the park ecosystem and the creation and protection of their habitats is very important for the overall health of the park. Among the birds you can encounter are myszołów, gęsiówka egipska, aleksandretta obrożna, pustułka (zwyczajna), krogulec, łabędź niemy, śpiewak, raniuszek zwyczajny and czapla siwa.

As well as wild-breeding feral introduced species like bernikla kanadyjska, bernikla białolica, gęsiówka egipska, mandarynka, and hełmiatka, there are also some captive-bred birds such as gęś tybetańska, Black Swan, and Fulvous Whistling Duck; these are not included in the list below as they are not wild.



The best way to get to Hyde Park is via public transport. Hyde Park Corner, Knightsbridge and Marble Arch stations are the closest stations but are expected to be busy and can sometimes be closed. ​For a quieter journey, travel to and from Victoria, Bond Street and Paddington, which are all within a 20-minute walk of Hyde Park. If you require step-free access or are travelling with a buggy, it is advised to use Green Park or Bond Street stations to make use of the lift facilities. ​You can also cycle, take the bus or drive.

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