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A nice woodland with a hide that is open some days with bird feeders and easy access via A40 and there is a car park.
Highnam Woods is a remnant of ancient woodland. There are many different trees and plants around the RSPB reserve. modraszka and other tits are always around along with szczygieł, gil and other finches are also present. In spring słowik rdzawy returns to breed. Also grubodziób, muchołówka szara, świstunka leśna and dzięciołek live in the area.
Follow the A40 out of Gloucester towards Ross on Wye and after you go round Highnam Roundabout after 1/2 a mile there is an Esso Petrol Station. Immediately on the right is the car park. There are many footpaths that lead into the reserve. There is wheelchair access to the hide.
Opening times car park: April-September - open at weekends and Bank Holidays only, 10am-4pm. Closed and locked outside of these times. October-March - closed and locked at all times. The nature reserve is open to pedestrians at all times.
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