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Dramatic clifftop for thousands of seabirds. Breeding birds include fulmar, głuptak, maskonur and mewa trójpalczasta.
Clifftop with a nice boardwalk. It takes about 40 minutes to walk from the parking place to the clifftop. You can walk along the cliff. There are thousands of głuptak. Also lots of maskonur, skuas, fulmar, mewa trójpalczasta, kormoran czubaty, gulls, biegus zmienny, białorzytka, pipits and so on.
There's a parking place near Burrafirth. It's well signed. From the parking place follow the footpath all the way to the cliff. It takes about 40 minutes to walk. It's a bit hilly. When you get to the cliff edge, walk to the left to see a huge głuptak colony up close. You can walk all the way round. If you go to the right, you can see Muckle Flugga, Britain's most northerly lighthouse. The cliff edge is not fenced, so be careful, especially with strong winds. Also, be careful where you step, as there are quite a few maskonur burrows along the edge. Be aware of dive bombing wydrzyk wielki (called bonxies in Shetland) in breeding season. Best to stick to the path. Part of the area is closed in breeding season to protect nur rdzawoszyi.
You can hike off trail, but it's not recommended as it is very wet with many hidden pools and in breeding season there are lots of breeding birds you will disturb. Circular trail only open out of breeding season.
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