
Heartwood Forest

Hertfordshire  >  United Kingdom

A vast new forest of more than half a million trees, pockets of ancient woodland, wildflower meadows and a good spot for birds such as płomykówka (zwyczajna) and trznadel.

Dodane* przez Andrew Steele
Ostatnia aktualizacja 8 stycznia 2025


Heartwood Forest is a mix of habitats of woodland and meadows which contains płomykówka (zwyczajna), trznadel, makolągwa, skowronek all year round. And a mix of warblers in spring and summer including piegża, piecuszek and gajówka. In winter it can be a good site for czeczotka brazowa, czyż, droździk and kwiczoł.



Heartwood Forest is located near Sandridge, St Albans, in Hertfordshire. For the west side of the site follow the St Albans Road into Sandridge and it is signed left as you leave the village (AL4 9DQ). For the east side carry on going untill you reach a four way junction with Ferrers Lnon your left there is parking at Nomansland (AL4 8EG) follow the path back to this four way and cross over and follow the path. The circular route indicated on the map is about 5 km.

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Las , Tereny podmokłe , Park , Staw , Łąka , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy


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Dodatkowe informacje

The east side is worth an evening visit as this is the best area to see płomykówka (zwyczajna). This area is also good for kląskawka and pokląskwa in the autumn. The site is well signed posted on the trails but can get wet in the winter.


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