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Goosemoor Nature Reserve is on the Eastern edge of Topsham on the river Clyst in South Devon.
The river Clyst still tidal at this point passes Goosemoor Nature Reserve. The area comprises of saltmarsh and reedbeds with good areas of mud at low to medium tide, the Exeter to Exmouth cycle path is on it's Southern border where there is a number of 'blinds' overlooking the reserve. Also on this Southern border is the Exeter to Exmouth rail line (Avocet Line), with a station within walking distance in Topsham. Just over this rail embankment is RSPB Bowling Green Marsh and further South West is the main Exe Estuary. Close by within walking distance to the North East is RSPB Darts Farm. Some birds you can expect to see are kwokacz, krwawodziób , biegus zmienny, rycyk, szlamnik, świstun, cyraneczka and Płaskonos.
From Exeter (Countess Wear area), head South East along Topsham Road, after passing under M5 motorway continue along this road (now called Exeter Road). In Topsham (now called High Street) turn sharp Left into Station Road, after passing over railway crossing turn immediately Right into station car park (fee payable). To get to Goosemoor Nature Reserve leave car park and turn Right into Station Road, then Right into Elm Grove Road. As this road starts to dip down to river Clyst take a Right side road (still called Elm Grove Road), after crossing rail bridge take Left turn into Bowling Green Road, on bend at bottom of hill turn left going through railway arch to Goosemoor Nature Reserve.
The 'blinds' at Goosemoor Nature Reserve have viewing 'holes' at various heights.
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