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Part of the Newport Wetlands, Goldcliff Lagoons consists of three water bodies. Water fowl in the winter and waders when the water level isn't too high.
The area consists of 3 water bodies, Monk’s, Prior’s and Bec’s Lagoon. There are 3 hides and 4 screens to aid viewing of water fowl and wading birds. Goldcliff is almost always packed with waterfowl and waders throughout the year, especially during Autumn and Spring migration. Species such as świstun, cyraneczka, czajka and kulik wielki are here in large numbers throughout the Winter. Other nice birds that can be seen are łabędź krzykliwy, Płaskonos, perkozek, szablodziób, biegus zmienny, kszyk, kwokacz, krwawodziób, czapla nadobna, ibis kasztanowaty, błotniak stawowy, uszatka błotna, sokół wędrowny, wierzbówka zwyczajna.
Park just outside to the east of the village of Goldcliff. Take the path leading towards the coast, and cross the gate at the sign marked "Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve". There are three hides (Greenshank, Curlew and Avocet) and several view points (Redshank, Lapwing, Snipe and Marsh).
Although access is relatively easy, the going can be tough when muddy underfoot (which is often the case). Wellies or sturdy boots recommended.
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