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Quiet wetland with an excellent hide right next to the ponds and amazing sightings.
Far Pasture Ponds is a very quiet spot with many feeders and an excellent bird hide right next to the ponds. Across the ponds kania ruda breed.
The bird hide of Far Pasture Ponds is located about half a mile along the A694 towards Rowlands Gill from the Thornley Woodlands Centre. Take the first left turn (beside the bus lay-by) and follow the narrow surfaced road. After crossing the bridge over the Derwent Walk turn right at the T-junction then go down the hill to the end of the road. Car park open 9am to 5pm. A car park with space for about 7-8 vehicles. Access to hide by key. Purchased or hired from Thornley Woodlands Centre (Opening times every day, 10am to 4pm, tel. 01207 545212).
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