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Located in Bristol this Victorian park offers great opportunities to spot birds within the urban environment.
Eastville park is a Victorian city park located in Bristol. The site offers a range of habitats from fields, woodland and ponds. While walking around the park you can expect to see many common species including czarnowron, gołąb miejski, modraszka, and many more. The centrepiece of Eastville Park is the large pond. Here you can see łabędź niemy, bernikla kanadyjska, krzyżówka, kokoszka (zwyczajna) and many others swimming on the water. It's a great spot to sit and feed the birds. Around the pond is a brilliant place to see zimorodek darting at speed across the water.
Surrounding the pond is lots of woodland, it's not uncommon to see sójka, dzięcioł zielony and gawron, around this habitat.Eastville park offers a relaxing place to watch birds, with other activities available for the whole family. It's certainly worth a visit if you're in the Bristol area.
Car parking is very limited at Eastville Park. The site is within great bus connections from Bristol City Centre. Buses from the city include 17, 25, 46, 47, 47x, 48, 48x, 49 and 49x. All these buses stop at the Eastville Park stop outside the park entrance.
There is a small car park located at the park. You can find this just off the A432 on Park Avenue. Click on the Parking icon for directions to the car park.
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