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Two flooded quarries have become the main lakes at Cosmeston, which with its 12 ha of open water attract large flocks of waterfowl and diving birds.
The 12 hectare of open water attract large flocks of waterfowl. The east lake is a great place to see impressive numbers of łabędź niemy, krzyżówka and łyska and diving birds such as perkoz dwuczuby. The west lake features a conservation area and is quieter than the east lake.
A small island can be found on the west lake an ideal secluded area for breeding birds. Each winter the lakes at Cosmeston attract large flocks of migrating wildfowl such as cyraneczka, czernica, świstun, głowienka and Płaskonos ducks also the star bird attraction, bąk.
The west lake is the best place to spot the czapla siwa and occasionally czapla nadobna, they usually stand completely still, near the reed beds waiting to catch any unsuspecting, passing fish. Many kormoran can be spotted on both lakes, these birds are excellent at swimming and fishing and can often be seen holding their wings out to dry after a busy diving session. Resident here all year is the spectacular zimorodek, often all that gives this wonderful bird away is a sharp call and a flash of electric blue as it dashes by.
Bus 94 will get you to Cosmeston Lakes Country Park.
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