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Estuarine birding site by the River Lune, good for waders and wildfowl.
Conder Green is at the mouth of the River Conder where it flows out into the River Lune. It is just a short drive away from Lancaster and can be combined with other nearby sites such as Glasson, Cockersands, Pilling or Aldcliffe. The site has a good track record for wader species and waterfowl, with recent rarities and scarcities including biegus mały, brodziec śniady, łęczak, Green-winged Teal, lodówka and uszatka błotna.
The pool is easily accessible from a layby off the A588. There is another car park which can be used for viewing the estuary and walking or cycling along the estuary path. Click on a P in the map for directions. Three sides of the square making the circular walk are on the roadside, with the northern side being a cycle path. CAUTION: The southern and western sides of the walk require walking along a fairly busy road and care should be taken. The layby at Conder Pool and the road to the south of it is liable to flooding during spring tide events.
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