
Coatham Marsh Nature Reserve

Cleveland  >  United Kingdom

A 134 acre marsh with a series of pools and reed swamp. With walkways and many birds to see.

Dodane* przez Robert Newell-Judson
Ostatnia aktualizacja 12 lutego 2020
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Coatham Marsh is a 134 acre (54 hectare) nature reserve bordered by Redcar on two sides, a Steel works and the Sea on another, but its wetlands attract a diverse and important number of birds. The reserve includes two large lakes, Round Lake and Long Lake and Middle and West Marsh which are low lying areas prone to flooding but also useful areas of exposed mud for waders to feed. It's a quiet peaceful place, with plenty of species and birds like:

bąk, krakwa, krzyżówka, Płaskonos, kszyk, krogulec, potrzos, wąsatka.

During the winter months, important numbers of ducks and waders fly in to Coatham Marsh to feed and rest. And with its proximity to the coast, it sometimes receives rarer visitors such as kulon (zwyczajny), czapla nadobna, warzęcha and mandarynka.



There are two small car parking areas, it is best to walk the reserve. The trail that is shown on the map is about 3 km. But if you only do the circular trail around is about 1,5 km.

Teren i siedlisko

Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Tereny podmokłe , Łąka , Jezioro , Trzcinowiska


Pagórkowaty , Płaski , Bagienny , Otwarty krajobraz

Trasa dookoła


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Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Przez cały rok


Wąski szlak

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego

Średnio wymagający spacer


Pieszo , Rower

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