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Abraham's Valley is part of Cannock Chase, a large area of forest and heathland in Staffordshire, with some uncommon breeding and wintering birds.
Cannock Chase is a 68-square-kilometre Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty hosting a variety of notable breeding and wintering birds. Abraham's Valley is one of the best birding locations in the Chase and one of its star species is the srokosz. You may see one or possibly more on passage and through the winter, most likely in the clearfell area next to the main path or on Strawberry Hill. Winter also brings krzyżodziób świerkowy to the valley and you might find them on larch trees, associating with flocks of czyż.
Early spring is the best time to find lerka, which have re-established a small breeding population in the area. Other migratory breeders include świstunka leśna, pleszka, muchołówka żałobna, muchołówka szara and kukułka. słonka are often seen flying overhead at dusk and with a bit of luck, you might see or at least hear a lelek. At any time of year, you may get close views of pustułka (zwyczajna). The Chase is also known for having large numbers of black fallow deer as well as some red deer.
From the M6, take the A34 through Cannock if you're coming from the south or through Stafford if you're coming from the north. Then take the A513 going through the northern part of the Chase and park at the Seven Springs Car Park on the south side of the road. The main path going south from the car park goes down the middle of Abraham's Valley. Make sure to stick to the paths to avoid disturbing any wintering srokosz as well as sensitive and scarce breeding species like the lelek. The suggested route on the Birdingplaces-map below is about 5 km.
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Pomóż usprawnić i poprawić informacje na temat listy gatunków występujących na obszarze „ptasiego miejsca”. (Czy chcesz podzielić się swoimi spostrzeżeniami z innymi ? Użyj przycisku „Komentarze” znajdującego się na dole strony zawierającej opis miejsca obserwacji.)
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