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Tenth highest mountain in Scotland at 4,000 feet/1200 metres, overlooking Loch Tay.
The highest mountain in the central highlands, Ben Lawers gives its name to the wider National Nature Reserve owned and managed by the National Trust for Scotland. Encompassing almost 4,500 hectares of the southern and eastern slopes of the Ben Lawers and Tarmachan ranges. Ben Lawers and the adjoining Tarmachan Ridge are popular with hikers and climbers. Breeding birds include pardwa mszarna, cietrzew, drozd obrożny, drzemlik, myszołów, orzeł przedni, świergotek łąkowy, skowronek and pluszcz. śnieguła visit in the winter. The rare sundew plant occurs on the lower slopes. There are mountain hares, red squirrels and red deer.
Visitor centre is 6 miles NE of Killin, turn uphill off A827. Car park £3. Nearest train stations at Pitlochry or Crianlarich. The return route to Ben Lawers summit is about 11 km (7 miles) with 2,600 feet of ascent. If climbing above 2,000 feet, wear stout boots, waterproof clothing, carry food, water, map, compass, charged mobile, and check weather forecast before starting.
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