
Baston and Langtoft Gravel Pits

Lincolnshire  >  United Kingdom

Old and new gravel pits east of Baston and Langtoft villages.

Dodane* przez Dean Roizer
Ostatnia aktualizacja 6 września 2024
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Baston and Langtoft Gravel Pits are a mixture old and new gravel pits just east of Baston and Langtoft villages. The lakes attract wildfowl in winter, and small numbers of waders in spring and autumn (depending on the water levels). There is a downside though, because you can only view the area from the road and it can sometimes be difficult to see through the greenery surrounding the lakes. In addition to that several of the pits cannot be viewed as the area is strictly private. Nevertheless, most of the time you can manage to observe quite a few birds in the area. Birds you can spot here include hełmiatka, bielaczek, gęś krótkodzioba, łabędź krzykliwy, ohar, Płaskonos, świstun, gągoł, ostrygojad, siewka złota, sieweczka obrożna, sieweczka rzeczna, krwawodziób and kszyk.



The Baston and Langtoft Gravel Pits are located 15 km north of Peterborough, just east of Baston and Langtoft villages. From the A15 crossroads in Baston or Langtoft, take the minor roads east. The pits can be explored from the road only - note that many of the pits cannot be viewed as the area is strictly private.

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