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This is a raised area of woodland and heathland. There are fine views over the surrounding district and it's said to be good for raptor spotting.
Acres Down is one of the best birding areas in the New Forest National Park. Local guides highlight the variety of raptors. including Trzmielojad and jastrząb. The site attracts heathland birds and lowland woodlands are easily accessed. lelek have been reported.
There is a small free car park (which can become full) near Acres Down Farm (SO43 7GE). Public transport does not venture closer than Lyndhurst, some five miles away. On site, access is purely on foot ; wheelchairs are impracticable. Dogs are permitted, but must be kept on leads during nesting seasons.
There are no toilets or other facilities, but refreshments are available at Acres Down Farm Shop - when open. The Down is exposed to weather, although there are scattered trees for shelter and shade. The woods in the valley are readily accessed, but take care to keep a sense of direction - there are no direction signs. The New Forest ponies should be regarded as wild and not approached, particularly when with young.
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