
Kocaçay Deltası

Marmara  >  Turkey

The Kocaçay Delta consists of lagoons, dunes and forest and is a great place for birdwatching. The area is home to more than 250 species of bird.

Dodane* przez Guner
Ostatnia aktualizacja 23 sierpnia 2020


The Kocaçay Delta is of great importance for birds because it contains lagoons, forests and large dunes formed at the site where Kocaçay river flows into the sea. The area has two shallow lagoons. There are reedareas on the shores of the lagoons. To the south the delta is bordered by hills that are covered by deciduous forests.

At the point where the cross stream flows into the Marmara Sea, you have the chance to observe more than 250 bird species in summer and winter. You can explore the area either by vehicle or on foot, with Arapçiftliği lake on the right and Dalyan lake on the left. Among the birds you can see here are głowienka, pelikan różowy, warzęcha, zimorodek, perkozek and bąk. But many more, see the extended birdlist below.



You can continue to the north from Karacabey district of Bursa for 25 km, enter from karacabey longoz, park the vehicle on the sandy road, walk in the Longoz forest and and see Dalyan lake. A walking route of approximately 6 km can be created. In order to pass to the other side of the river, it will be necessary to continue on the village road near the Arapçiftliği lake. If the road is ground, you can approach the lake by passenger car. There are wild buffaloes all over the land, but they are harmless.

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