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Short trails cutting through an expansive area of mangrove forest in a national park established in 1981.
The Headquarters area of Ao Phang Nga National Park holds one of the largest blocks of mangrove forest in Thailand. An excellent place for mangrove specialities. The road itself passes through rainforest and open mangroves, which hold populations of Oriental Pied-Hornbill and Black-and-red Broadbill. A boardwalk leads off from the main road and goes well within the forest, which may reward birders with sightings of Mangrove Pitta, Brown-winged Kingfisher and Ruddy Kingfisher.
The Headquarters area of Ao Phang Nga National Park can be accessed from Phang Nga by turning off the Phet Kasem road 2.2 km past the town onto the 4144, and then continuing for 5.5 kilometres where there is a turnoff to the left for the park headquarters. Click on the P in the map for directions or coordinates. The area is best explored by walking along the road and the mangrove trail, while the end of the road provides a view to the river. Boats can also be hired here, which allows exploration of a much greater area.
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