
Val Roseg

Grigioni  >  Switzerland

Val Roseg offers a nice walk into alpine woodlands between the highest mountains of Graubünden and eastern Switzerland.

Dodane* przez Pietro Guberti
Ostatnia aktualizacja 3 listopada 2020


The Val Roseg is surrounded by the highest mountains of Graubünden and Eastern Switzerland. The highest are Piz Bernina (4,049 m), Piz Scerscen (3,971 m) and Piz Roseg (3,937 m). The birds in Val Roseg are quite common, but moving outside the path you can also find more interesting species while you're near to 2000 meters high with stunning alpine views (Mount Bernina) Among the birds you can see in the area are sosnówka, czubatka, czarnogłówka (zwyczajna), dzięcioł duży, dzięcioł czarny, kowalik, gil, pluszcz, bogatka (zwyczajna), zięba, strzyzyk zwyczajny, orzechówka (zwyczajna) and pełzacz leśny.



You can reach it easily by train from Tirano (Italy) or St. Moritz (CH). And of course by car, using the car park in the village of Pontresina. Click on the P in the map to get directions. The best way to move there is walking on the path on the left side of the valley, and not the road on the right. During week ends and in summer there are a lot of people, that can make it a little more difficult to see animals. The route that is shown on the map is about 14 km, but can easily be shortened.

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