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The historic city of Bern is located within a meander of the Aare river which acts as a magnet to a variety of bird species.
The city of Bern holds a surprising variety of interesting birds. A stroll along the Aare river is enjoyable throughout the year and produces interesting species such as jerzyk alpejski, jaskólka skalna, nurogęś, pluszcz, zimorodek and pliszka górska.
The easiest way is to access the city by public transport and start the walk from the main station (Hauptbahnhof). There is a footpath along the Aare river, so the area is best explored by foot. The route suggested on the map is 4,4 km.
The walk passes through some places of interest such as the Botanical Garden of the University of Bern which is worth a visit on its own. During the summer months you can enjoy a drink at Cafe Fleuri while enjoying the spectacular view of the Aare and spotting species such as jerzyk alpejski, kania ruda, pustułka (zwyczajna), grubodziób. Halfway the walk is the Bear Park (Barengraben) which is also a good spot to watch out for the pluszcz and the pliszka górska.
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