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Small wetland created on agricultural land east of Jönköping. More than 200 bird species have been recorded in the area.
Veda Våtmark is a wetland created on agricultural land in a bird-rich area between the villages of Tovrida and Vireda. The wetland is surrounded by grasslands, wet fields, pastures and arable land with open ditches, occasional shrubs, trees and groves.
The wetland's specialty for a number of years has been breeding świstun, something that is unusual in Götaland. Other birds you can encounter on Veda Våtmark are Płaskonos, cyraneczka, gągoł, gęgawa, bernikla kanadyjska, perkoz rogaty, perkoz dwuczuby, kszyk, czajka, śmieszka and mewa pospolita. cyranka has been seen during the breeding season, as well as czernica. Other wetland birds roost during migration season. Examples of such that have been seen are czapla biała, perkozek, kokoszka (zwyczajna), wodnik (zwyczajny), krakwa, rożeniec, głowienka, bielaczek, łabędź czarnodzioby, sieweczka obrożna, sieweczka rzeczna, biegus zmienny, biegus malutki, biegus krzywodzioby, kwokacz, brodziec śniady, łęczak, samotnik and krwawodziób. The highest amount of waders can be observed when the water level is low.
In the surroundings also nest kulik wielki, szczygieł, makolągwa, skowronek, szpak, białorzytka, pokląskwa, świergotek łąkowy, trznadel, potrzos and various other birds. There are also good chances to see birds of prey in the area. kania rudais not uncommon to be seen, as is błotniak stawowy that often hunts at the wetland. pustułka (zwyczajna) nest, myszołów and sokół wędrowny are a couple of other of the bird of prey species that you can see here with a bit of luck.
Among the rarities that have temporarily appeared here are kulon (zwyczajny), orlik grubodzioby, błotniak łąkowy, błotniak stepowy, kobczyk, bocian czarny, świergotek szponiasty and zniczek.
Veda Våtmark is located 12 km east of Jönköping and 7 km southeast of Huskvarna between the villages of Tovrida and Vireda. Click on the P in the map for directions. You come to a barn. To reach the small parking drive into the courtyard in front of the barn, and further down the short gravel road that runs parallel to the bike path in the direction west. The small parking is at the bottom of the road. Walk from there on the tractor road that leads out into the fields and towards the wetland. There is an observation point next to the first hill you arrive at, see the viewpoint on the map below. From there you have a good overview without going too close. A spotting scopes is preferred to really observe the birds well. Please don't go closer to prevent disturbance of the birds. Especially in autumn, the wetland can easily be emptied of ducks if you are careless and go too close.
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