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A coastal area with meadows, reedbeds and some ponds. During spring and autumn migration Tygelsjöängar is a good spot for watching shorebirds.
The Tygelsjöängar area stretches from the village of Klagshamn south towards Gessie. Mainly meadows and wetland, with some reedbeds and interesting ponds. Important; The meadows in the north down to the trail out to the mouth of Tygelsjöbäckens is restricted area from from the 1st of April until 15th of July ( the small sand island Dynan from 1st of March until 30th of November). See the map further down for details.
The main attraction of the area is the mouth of Tygelsjö stream from where you get a good view of the small sand island Dynan and the surrounding beaches. During spring and autumn migration it is a good spot for watching shorebirds as brodziec śniady, szlamnik, various Calidris and Tringa. In summer szablodziób, rybitwa białoczelna and ohar are breeding on the island and in the area. In the general area the few swedish remains of the southern biegus zmiennyreside its last pairs. The area just south of the mouth of Tygelsjöbäcken is good for bekasik especially in the autumn, but also where more rare birds as dubelt, świergotek rdzawogardły and świergotek szponiasty have been seen.
A lot of times there are horses at the meadows, they are quite peaceful but very courious, especially when it comes to tripods for the scope. Therefore, keep the tripod folded when walking past them and unfold it when you are at the sceen.
A bit further south three ponds are located, from north to south; Findus sunkdam, Malmö dam, Gessie dam. When not dried out these attract ducks and waders but sometimes more rare birds such as czapla biała and płatkonóg szydłodzioby.
Even further south is Blombackadammen, a shallow dam that gathers a good variety of ducks fex. rożeniec , Płaskonos and cyranka . The site is also good for waders during migration time batalion and Tringa waders. As said, it is shallow and from mid june it use to be dried out, as goes for all of the ponds in the area ( with an exeption of Verkstadsdammen further south.)
In the winter quite some numbers of łabędź krzykliwy gather in the bay south of Klagshamn, and the general area is good for late migrants and wintherbirds such as rzepołuch, śnieguła, myszołów włochaty and błotniak zbożowy. In the winter it is also worth following the Gessie stream out to its mouth, there zimorodek , perkozek , bąk and wąsatka occasionally can be seen.
The meadows in the north are good for a walk along them down to the mouth of the stream. Further south there are enclosed fields and ditches so that part has to be travelled on the road and then do detours to the ponds.
Citybus nr 6 goes the whole way to Klagshamn village, walk south from there.
For places to park see the P on the map (click on a P to get directions).
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