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From the bird tower on lake Sörfjärden you can look out over a sea of reed and see or hear birds like wąsatka, trzciniak or bąk.
The lake Sörfjärden that is part of the bay of Lake Mälaren has big areas of reed beds. If you are lucky, you will see or hear wąsatka, trzciniak or bąk from the bird tower. A characteristic bird of the area is trzciniak but also brzęczka is heard singing in the reeds on a yearly basis. błotniak stawowy also breeds here and now there are observations of czapla biała almost every year. During spring, you can hear kukułka, or see the first kobuz foraging over the reeds. Both bielik and rybołów are seen passing the bird tower.
If you are looking for water fowl and reed birds, there is always a chance to see something interesting if you stop at this location. Many interesting species have been seen from this bird tower. Opposite from the bird tower, there is an older bird tower that may be worth a visit just to pass through the forest to the tower. There you can hear muchołówka żałobna or other warblers sing during spring. The bird tower is easily accessed (also for disabled persons), and there is a small parking space a few hundred meters from the tower.
After parking at the designated parking place, you may follow the road by foot to the bird tower.
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