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A shallow inland lake in Skåne, quite special in its variety of birds depending on the season. 271 species have been seen through the years at this place.
The area and its surroundings is containing meadows, reedbeds, forest and the lake in it self. It is located within a military area (be aware of times of practice, see below) which has preserved the nature in some sense.
At the eastern shore of Krankesjön the biggest birding tower (Silveråkra) is located and next to it a hide. From the hide rybitwa czarna can be seen very good and some years trzciniak can be heard. The fauna of the lake depends on the cycle of nutrion values in the lake, but bąk can be heard and czapla biała (in from a swedish perspective quite big flocks) can be seen, some years zausznik has been seen.
On the western side is Sjötorps ängar located, meadows, grassland and copses where wilga (zwyczajna) can be seen ( a good tip is to stand between the groves, see the map) and heard. In the area świerszczak and ocassionally brzęczka can be heard . At the SW corner of the lake another birding tower (Almåkra) is located which gives a good view over the lake and the surrounding reedbeds. In this area (and others as well) remiz can be seen.
The main period to visit Krankesjön is without a doubt in mid-late May, but the area gives a lot the whole year ( especially when considering the adjacent areas of Vomb and Klingavälsåns mynning).
By bus leave from Lund towards Revinge by ( if going to the west side) step of att Revinge Idrottsplatsen and then walk about 2 km. Or step of at Harlösa S (the east side) and walk about 2 km, this stop is also for Klingavälsåns mynning.
If you are going by car there are three main parking areas, Sjötorpsängar, Almen and Silvåkra W, SW and E) follow road 104 until Revinge by or Harlösa and go south.
Be aware of that the area is within a military training ground, generally they practise in midweek, but make sure that there isńt any activity. See the link below for the schedule of exercises. In recent years there has been a problem with car thieves so make sure not leaving anything behind or visual.
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Pomóż usprawnić i poprawić informacje na temat mapy dotyczącej tego „ptasiego miejsca”.
Pomóż usprawnić i poprawić informacje na temat listy gatunków występujących na obszarze „ptasiego miejsca”. (Czy chcesz podzielić się swoimi spostrzeżeniami z innymi ? Użyj przycisku „Komentarze” znajdującego się na dole strony zawierającej opis miejsca obserwacji.)
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