
Hjälstaviken Nature Reserve

Stockholmskretsen  >  Sweden

Large wetland area that is a great place for birding. At the shallow lake as many as 265 bird species have been observed.

Dodane* przez Fredrik Nordenskjöld
Ostatnia aktualizacja 2 stycznia 2023


Hjälstaviken is a vast nature reserve, about 821 ha in size, which lies 65 km north-west of Stockholm. In the centre of this reserve lies a large shallow lake surrounded by a wide belt of reed, gently sloping meadows, and arable fields. This makes Hjälstaviken one of Sweden's finest bird lakes. Here you can see birds all year round, with peaks in the migration times during spring and autumn. Some of the nice birds you can see here are rybołów, żuraw, wąsatka, słowik szary, błotniak stawowy, rybitwa wielkodzioba, bielik and nurogęś. But also many species of geese, ducks and other waterbirds.



At Hårby, on the west side of the lake, there is a bird tower. You got there via a kilometer-long path that is handicap accessible. From Kvarnberget you can wander along the slopes to a large hide in the reeds. An 8 km trail leads around the whole lake and takes you through flowering fields and over wet meadows.

Teren i siedlisko

Tereny podmokłe , Jezioro , Łąka , Trzcinowiska


Płaski , Bagienny , Otwarty krajobraz

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Wiosenne migracje , Jesienne migracje


Droga utwardzona , Droga nieutwardzona

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower , Wózek inwalidzki , Samochód

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