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Large nature reserve between Mörbylånga and Alby. In summer this is mainly a dry area. A good area for spotting birds of prey.
Gösslunda Nature Reserve consists of stony grounds, deciduous forest and lime moisture meadows. orzeł przedni is often seen in this area. błotniak zbożowy and błotniak stawowy are also regular guests. Other birds that can be observed are kania ruda, sokół wędrowny, pustułka (zwyczajna), bielik, błotniak łąkowy and kuropatwa.
There are some very small parking spots along the way. Try not to hinder other traffic when you stop. From the car, or stay with your car when you go bird watching. There are also different fields, have respect for the farmers and do not walk on the fields, stay on the side or on paths.
Especially in summer there will be a lot of traffic, don't stop in the middle of the road, stay on the side, and have respect for other road users and especially for the birds. orzeł przedni is not reported during the breeding season, so as not to disturb them.
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