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The northern area of Ravlunda heath with the surrounding forests is a nice area with some interesting breeders.
The Ravlunda heath is a wide open area, surrounding old deciduous forest, in the northern end there is a small stream, Knäbäcken.
At Flodahusdammen wilga (zwyczajna) can be seen flying over the pond. In the forrest especially at Bivackskogen zniczek breed.
South of the parking is an stone age dolmen, Knäbäcksdösen, in the surrounding area świergotek polny breed and some years jarzębatka .
At the thin band of vegetation along the stream Knäbäcken it is, especially in the autumn, worth looking for resting passerines.
In the autumn an winter uszatka błotna can be seen and in the sea outside loons and occasionally lodowiec .
If going by bus take nr SkX3 or SkX4 from Kristianstand, step of at Maglehem Sockenvägen and walk from there.
If going by car drive road 19, just south of Maglehem take one of the smaller roads towards East.
The area is a military tank training ground, so please alert signs and red flags, also be careful with unexploaded ammunition. Mainly they practise in midweek, for further information see the link below.
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