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Shallow lake with extensive marshes. The lake is surrounded by agricultural landscape.
Björken is a very shallow lake with by extensive alluvial marshes. In the agricultural landscape the wetland is an important resting place for many birds, and a last outpost before the woodland takes over to the north. In the bird observation tower, you have a good view of most of the lake, including the lake's inlet and outlet, where the ice first breaks and the birds gather in the spring. Scan mud banks for resting waders during spring and autumn. The southern part of the lake can be viewed from a platform 400 m further south. Along the path to the bird observation tower, you have a good chance of hearing dziwonia in the birch groves (May-June) and ortolan in the birch thickets (first half of May). There is a small, but stable amount of nesting ortolan, probably the only one in Värmland.
Many swans and ducks rest in Björken during the spring, also diving ducks such as lodówka and uhla. When the marshes around the lake are flooded, large numbers of waders also rest, mainly various Tringa species. bielik and błotniak zbożowy sometimes occur during the spring migration and drozd obrożny often make a stop here in the spring. In the forest groves there are kobuz, dzięciołek, zaganiacz and dziwonia. From the surrounding fields sometimes przepiórka and derkacz are heard, although the breeding frequency is uncertain.
In the autumn geese rest in the fields around the lake and the flocks can contain both gęś krótkodzioba and bernikla obrożna. Waders can also stop in autumn, especially when mud banks in the lake are exposed by low water levels, which can also attract smaller numbers of Calidris waders. In some autumns podróżniczek are common.
Rare birds that have been observed in the area are czapla biała, Green-winged Teal, podgorzałka, błotniak łąkowy, błotniak stepowy, biegus arktyczny, brodziec pławny, rybitwa białoczelna, dudek, świergotek polny, świergotek nadmorski, strumieniówka, jarzębatka, wójcik, muchołówka mała, wilga (zwyczajna), krzyżodziób modrzewiowy and trznadel czubaty.
From road E45, drive down towards and through Sunne and then continue on road 241 towards Munkfors. Continue on the same road to Torsberg and turn left there at the sign Bäckalund 8. Follow this road 3.6 km and park at the information sign near Tomthult's mission house (big red house with a white cross) on the right side of the road. Click on the P in the map for directions. Then follow the orange-marked path across the fields on the other side of the road to the bird tower (1.6 km). It is easy to move around the area around Björken thanks to several hiking trails, see the information board at the mission house.
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