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One of Stockholm's finest bird lakes. A total of 250 bird species have been observed here during a year.
Angarnsjöängen (Lake Angarn Meadow) is a nature reserve of 565 hectares. A wetland with a varying water level depending on the weather. The water rises dramatically each spring as the snow melts and becomes very low by late summer and autumn, creating a good resting place for wading birds. A wetlands restoration project carried out in 1992 markedly increased both the numbers and the variety of birds visiting the site and nesting there. Among the nesting bird species are błotniak stawowy, czajka, krwawodziób and pliszka żółta Angarn is one of Stockholm's finest bird lakes. The lake is surrounded by an open farmland and it is easy to hike over grazed meadows, forested heights and pastures. Other nice birds you can see here are kropiatka, żuraw, poświerka (september and october), perkoz rogaty, bąk, pokląskwa and białorzytka. A circular route of 6,5 km runs around the wetland and there is a birdwatch tower in the area.
E18 from Stockholm towards Norrtälje. Take off at the exit towards Åkersberga and drive straight ahead at the roundabout towards Gillinge and Angarn. After 4.5 km, angarn's church is passed. Turn left at the sign "Angarnssjöängens naturreservat" to the entrance point Örsta. Parking spaces are also available at Skesta and Olhamra. There is a birdwatching tower with good views (see the map).
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