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An area of largely pine woodland and maquis scrub containing most of the expected passerines, raptors and migrants to be found in the Alcornocales.
A long cycle route starts here but of more interest to birdwatchers is the convenient c4-5 km circular walk through pine woods to a ridge and back down to the main track. The woodlands hold świstunka górska and czubatka, open areas have głuszek, cierlik and lerka and the low scrub a variety of ‘Sylvia’ warblers such as cierniówka, pokrzewka aksamitna and pokrzewka kasztanowata. As with all footpaths beside the A 381 this is a good location to look for raptors particularly in spring and autumn when orzełek, kania czarna, Trzmielojad and the odd ścierwnik (plus bocian czarny) pass through. gadożer (spring-autumn), sęp płowy , krogulec and myszołów frequently appear but if you're lucky you may spot orzelek poludniowy or jastrząb here. During passage periods expect żołna and pretty much any small passerine migrant.
Take Exit 66 off the A 381 and then the service road south for just under 2km and pull over on to a dirt track on your left to explore the signposted Sendero La Teja Park and follow the paths.
The tracks here provide a variety of 'pan handle' walks from 4 km upwards allowing you to tailor your walk to your individual requirements most of the walks are fairly easy but there are several steep sections. Look out for various orchid species and the local Portuguese Sundew (Drosophyllum lusitanicum) which, unlike sundews in northern Europe, has attractive pale yellow flower making it easy to locate.
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