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An area of woodland and maquis scrub containing all the expected species of the Alcornocales and adjacent to a large reservoir.
This site offers the option of two circular walks. One of 2-3 km and other (Sendero El Palancar) of c8km. The longer circuit takes you along the edge of a large reservoir (Embalse de Charco Redondo) but you should see most of the birds the area has to offer on the shorter walk. Both routes snake through woodland and open areas. The woodlands hold swistunka iberyjska, świstunka górska and czubatka, open woodland areas have cierlik and lerka and the low scrub a veriety of ‘Sylvia’ warblers such as cierniówka, pokrzewka aksamitna and pokrzewka kasztanowata. At the start of the walk you have a good view to the south across the main road as it passes over the Puerta de Valdespera. This makes it a good location to watch the movement of raptors in spring and autumn when orzełek, kania czarna, Trzmielojad and the odd ścierwnik (plus bocian czarny) pass through. sęp płowy, gadożer, krogulec and myszołów frequently appear but you need a good deal of luck to spot orzelek poludniowy or jastrząb here although both are possible. The reservoir may also attract passing rybołów. During passage periods expect żołna and pretty much any small passerine migrant.
Take Exit 70 on the A 381 Algeciras - Seville road and then head along the service road under the main road southwards for c2 km. The sendero is signposted to your right at the top of a long slope. Park and follow the paths.
As noted above for the less energetic the shorter should produce most of the birds but walking along the reservoir may give you a chance of rybołów. On the shorter walk look out en route for a couple of ancient cave shelters (in later years the haunt of charcoal burners and, allegedly, a refuge of bandits and brigands).
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