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Coastal lagoons like Janubio offer a great and rare habitat in the Canary islands for migrating waders and other water dependent birds.
Exploring Salinas de Janubio is best done along the beach as it is difficult to see birds from the cliffs surrounding the lagoon. At the beach it is important to respect the "No entering" zone around the coast of the lagoon which is marked with signs. This zone exists to protect both breeding and migrating birds from disturbance. See the map down below on where you should walk.
This site is best known for its waders like szczudłak, krwawodziób, sieweczka morska, piaskowiec and kamusznik. Along the coast and the cliffs other birds fly around like swiergotek kanaryjski, wróbel sródziemnomorski, gilak pustynny and the rare ścierwnik. The recently established kazarka rdzawa can regularly be seen here and zausznik overwinters here in large numbers. mewa romańska is very common, but do keep a look out for rarer gulls and terns.
Because of the "No entering" zone, not all of the large lagoon can be explored and it is therefore recommended to bring a scope. Binoculars work as well but birds further away will be more difficult to identify.
Salinas de Janubio can only be reached by car or bike and because of the sand can only be explored on foot. From the road LZ-701 or the highway LZ-2 (not for bikes) one follows the road south of Yaiza (if coming from the north) or the same roads northwards if one comes from Playa Blanca until you reach the small village of La Hoya. From LZ-2 one exits the highway to LZ-703. In the roundabout that connects with road LZ-701 one continues on and follows the road LZ-703 all the way to the parking spot in the northwest of the site marked on the map with a P.
There are two more parking spots located on the south side of the lagoon which can only be reached from LZ-703. Use the coordinates by clicking on a P in the map down below for directions.
Several lookout points exist around the lagoon.
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