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The headland of Punta de Teno is the western-most point on the island of Tenerife. It is surrounded by huge cliffs and rocky peaks.
Punta de Teno is the western-most point on Tenerife and one of the better seawatching points on the north coast. Most of the time you can see burzyk żółtodzioby, quit often in large groups. Also sometimes burzyk malutki and głuptak. The spectacular cliffs of Los Gigantes around this part of the coast hold breeding Sokól berberyjski and this is one of the few places on Tenerife where rybołów is sometimes observed. Other birds you can see in the area are pokrzewka okularowa, swiergotek kanaryjski, kruk, pustułka (zwyczajna), czapla nadobna, kamusznik and sometimes wróbel skalny.
Punta de Teno is located in the north-west of Tenerife. The "Parque Natural Punta de Teno" is signposted from the town of Buenavista. Note: access to the area is restricted for cars between 10.00 and 19.00. So be there early if you want to visit the area by car. The rest of the day you can get there by the Punta de Teno Bus: Bus 369 shuttles between Buenavista del Norte and Punta de Teno during the day.
Photo lighthouse Punta de Teno by Werner Wilmes, CC BY 2.0,
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