Rate birdingplace Pinar de Chío
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Picnic area in the pine forest on the road between Chío and the Teide. If you missed the zieba kanaryjska LRcd on Las Lajas, try this area.
Área recreativa Pinar de Chío is a picnic area located in Parque Natural Corona Forestal. It is surrounded by pine forest and lava rocks. Several hiking trails start here or pass through this place. The picnic area is a good place to observe zieba kanaryjska LRcd, which sometimes just drop to the ground in front of you. That is if you are lucky, as they can be hard to find from time to time. Pinar de Chío is also a good area for the local subspecies of dzięcioł duży. And you have a good chance on swiergotek kanaryjski, kruk, zięba and modraszka kanaryjska.
Pinar de Chío picnic area is located on the road from Chío to the Teide. Click on the P in the map for directions. To see the zieba kanaryjska LRcd Las Lajas is the best place on Tenerife (see separate entry on Birdingplaces). But if you miss the zieba kanaryjska LRcd there, Pinar de Chío is a good point to look for it.