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Great continuation of a visit to Bonanza saltpans and Laguna de Tarelo.
Route on the east bank of the Guadalquivir. Starting at the northern end of Pinar de Algaida you have a good view across the marismas where you have a good chance of błotniak stawowy and kania ruda (local in Cadiz province). Continuing towards the River Gudalquivir by turning left (near a prominent weir) you have the river on the right and more marismas on the left. Look for a variety of waders in riverside pools, scan the low salt-resistant vegetation for pliszka żółta, skowrończyk krótkopalcowy and pokrzewka okularowa (summer) and the resident skowrończyk mały. The very scarce stepówka bialobrzucha is an outside possibility here. At the end of the drivable track scan the flooded salinas for flaming różowy and keep an eye on the sky for a variety of raptors.
Returning to the weir continue along the Guadalquivir (now on your left) but stop after c400m at the first set of pools on your left. This is the Codo de la Esparraguera which is a prime site for marmurka although this iconic species can be seen anywhere in the pools for the next 3 km. These pools also hold ibis kasztanowaty, flaming różowy, warzęcha, hełmiatka, etc. The river itself attracts rybitwa krótkodzioba and mewa cienkodzioba and żwirowiec łąkowy hawk over the marshes.
Just after the road turns away from the river towards Trebujena, pull over and explore the new reserve across the road to explore the site on foot. At the time of writing (April 2020) this is still being developed but when complete will consist of several pools, a hide and watchtower. Again look out or pokrzewka okularowa and skowrończyk mały in the low cover here and scan the marismas from the watchtower for the very elusive stepówka bialobrzucha (esp. early morning/evening). As the road climbs towards Trebujena you enter an area of low intesity vineyards. In late spring and summer this area should be checked for the rare and declining drozdówka rdzawa (best sought for in the morning).
Accessed from Bonanza via Pinar de Algaida or from Trebujena along reasonable tracks and metalled roads.
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