
Parque Princesa Sofía

Cádiz province, Andalucía.  >  Spain

Located at the east side of the Strait of Gibraltar. It's a small urban park with open areas, some of grass and some more "wild", and some bushes and trees.

Dodane* przez David Cuenca
Ostatnia aktualizacja 2 lutego 2021


The Parque Princesa Sofía is an urban park in the town of La Línea de la Concepción. It's located in the Strait of Gibraltar area, one of the best birding places of Spain and Europe, specially during migration periods. This park attracts, surprisingly, lots of passerines or songbirds of many species. One of the advantages is that these birds are much more easy to find, see, and even to photograph, than in other places. Moreover, with westernly winds, you can also see lots of soaring birds.

Until the end of 2019 around 120 species have been seen. The best dates are, of course depending on the species, from mid March to mid May in spring, and september and october in autum. Some of the species you can find in good numbers are: migrant dudek, dzierzba rudogłowa, świstunka górska, piecuszek, lutniczka, pokrzewka wasata, muchołówka szara, muchołówka żałobna, pleszka, pokląskwa, świergotek drzewny and ortolan. Wintering pierwiosnek, świergotek łąkowy and kopciuszek. Resident szpak jednobarwny and pokrzewka aksamitna. Among the rarities, we have had: świstunka żółtawa (anually in october), pasterz, trznadelek, świergotek tajgowy, piegża and wróbel cytrynowy.

In Facebook, look for the group "Fauna del Parque Princesa Sofía de La Línea", in "Files" you can download a PDF with the complete list of birds.



This park is in La Línea de la Concepción city and close to the border with Gibraltar so it's very easy to find. Usually there are places to park close to or near the park, either on the street or in carparks. To explore the park is better to go walking.

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