
Mirador del Puerte de Las Palomas

Jaen  >  Spain

Viewpoint at an altitude of 1250 m on a long ridge above the valley of the Río Guadalquivir. Good for spotting sęp płowy.

Dodane* przez Nart van Hout
Ostatnia aktualizacja 11 grudnia 2024
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The Mirador del Puerto de las Palomas is located in the Sierra de Cazorla Natural Park at an altitude of approximately 1,250 meters. The viewpoint offers stunning panoramic views of the Guadalquivir Valley (which is at an altitude of 800 m) and the surrounding mountain ranges. This spot is great for bird watching as you can see many sęp płowy flying around and sitting on the rocks quite close to you.

Usually you have to look up to spot vultures. Here they are seen below you or at the same height. This is very convenient, especially for taking photos.



The Mirador del Puerto de las Palomas is located 12 km north of Cazorla, near the town of Burunchel on the A319. Take the A319 from Burunchel to Arroyo Frío. At the Puerto de las Palomas you will come over the crest of a mountain ridge. About 500 m further is the Mirador Las Palomas with a long car park. Press P on the map for directions. A sturdy balustrade offers a view over the Guadalquivir river below you. Just below you sit and fly sęp płowy.

Teren i siedlisko

Góry , Kanion/klif , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Płaskowyż , Dolina


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