
Los Molinos Reservoir

Fuerteventura  >  Spain

This is the largest body of freshwater on the Island of Fuerteventura and attracts a wide variety of species including ducks and waders in large numbers.

Dodane* przez Martin Roper
Ostatnia aktualizacja 26 lutego 2024


The reservoir has an observation hide, a dam wall and a goat track which you can walk which takes you along the top of the ridge of the dam, but be warned, the birds here are skittish and take off en mass at the slightest disturbance, this we found out first hand. it can be accesed on both sides by crossing the dam wall but the opposite side is rough terrain with little cover. Species here include rożeniec , warzęcha, cyraneczka, szczudłak, kazarka rdzawa, ścierwnik and stepówka czarnobrzucha to mention a few.



Reached from the road FV207 take the track signposted Embalse de los Molinos (Molinos Reservoir) follow the track keeping an eye out for birds we had 5 myszołów on here, continue to the end of the track where there is a small parking area. Park here and go through the gate following the path, half way along there is a bird hide, you can stay here but will probably need a scope, or continue further down the track. The goat farm on the left is a hot spot for ścierwnik and stepówka czarnobrzucha.

Teren i siedlisko

Jezioro , Dolina , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Kanion/klif


Skalisty , Płaski

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Zima , Wiosna


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Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego

Średnio wymagający spacer


Pieszo , Rower

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

This inland sight is one of the best on the Island for diverse bird species, take a walk over the dam wall and drop down into the Barranco de los Molinos (opposite side of the dam wall) if you have the time its a little bit difficult to navigate but can be rewarding.


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