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Shallow lagoon with reedbeds that is linked to the sea. A bird paradise for birds that winter here or make a stop during the migration season.
The Laguna de A Frouxeira in Valdoviño is a natural jewel. It is a wetland of great environmental value. It is approximately 1,700 meters in length by 500 wide, next to the beach of A Frouxeira and with a regular interaction with the ocean. The lagoon is separated from the sea by the beach of A Frouxeira and opens periodically when fresh water from rain and small rivers break the sand bar, allowing the exchange of water and fauna with the sea. Later, in the summer, the lagoon closes and a new cycle of fresh water begins. The lagoon receives the river waters of the Vilar and Castro streams. The greater or lesser interaction with the ocean makes its salinity variable depending on the times. The average depth does not exceed the meter and a half. Waterfowl and waders are best observed at medium water levels. Much of the relevance of the lagoon is due to a large number of birds that live in it, either permanently or during winter and migratory crossings. Among the many species that can be seen in the lagoon are many ducks and waders like łyska, krakwa, perkozek rożeniec, ogorzałka, czerniczka, siewnica, sieweczka morska, kamusznik, brodziec piskliwy ostrygojad, szlamnik, rycyk and kulik mniejszy. Other interesting birds are czapla siwa.czapla nadobna, czapla biała, warzęcha, błotniak stawowy, zaganiacz szczebiotliwy and cierlik. Most birds are seen between September to May. In the Spring migration -from April and the end of May- up to 5000 birds can be gathered in the lagoon. But all year round there are interesting birds to see here.
Espagnol: La laguna de A Frouxeira es una de las joyas naturales de Valdoviño. Se trata de un humedal de gran valor medioambiental, un espacio de aproximadamente 1.700 metros de longitud por 500 de anchura, al lado de la playa de A Frouxeira y con una interacción regular con el océano, y en el que se juntan una flora y fauna muy interesantes. Buena parte de la relevancia de la laguna se debe a la cantidad de aves que viven en ella, bien de forma permanente o durante la invernada y pasos migratorios.
The lagoon has an almost rectangular shape. Best is to walk the path that runs along the east side of the lagoon and paralel to the promenade A Lagoa. It's about 2 km long (one way). There are numerous points along the path to observe the wide variety of birds and you pass a bird hide along the way. You can also walk up to the beach and look over the sea and scan for seabirds. Parking is possible at the beginning of the walking trail (See the P on the map) or you can park somewhere in the streets of the village of Valdoviño.
Espagnol: La laguna tiene forma casi rectangular, con las medidas ya señaladas de aproximadamente 1.700 metros de longitud por 500 de anchura. Su eje mayor es perpendicular a la playa de A Frouxeira, que limita por el norte. Al este una pista de tierra y el paseo la bordean en toda su longitud. Por el sur la C-646 marca el límite, mientras que en el oeste está la parte más recogida, con la protección de un pinar-eucaliptal. El paseo que circunda una de las orillas de, A Lagoa, invita a caminarlo, en cualquier época del año. Son numerosos también los puntos a lo largo de todo el borde de la laguna, para apostarse y observar la amplia variedad de aves que en ella se dan cita.
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