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Lago de la Casa de Campo

Comunidad de Madrid  >  Spain

An artificial lake right next to Madrid, surrounded by the biggest park in the city: Casa de Campo.

Dodane* przez Raúl Marín
Ostatnia aktualizacja 8 stycznia 2021


The artificial lake Lago de la Casa de Campo got a glow-up some years ago, making it a great place to watch some waterfowl without moving far from the city. Some species even breed in the reed platforms put during the remodelations, such as krzyżówka and łyska. In winter it becomes a usual roosting place for gulls, and some other water-based species may come to spend the cold season; so you never know if any interenting species may be there.

The surrounding area (and the whole Casa de Campo) is a typical Mediterranean forest, with pine trees and holm oaks covering the area, although in a open forest squeme. There are some streams that are followed by riparian forests, so they increase the variety of plant species and with it, the bird ones. Both forest birds, such as dzięcioł zielony, czubatka and many others live in the trees and bushes; and it is not uncommon to see many raptors soaring above the area, being the orzel iberyjski and sęp kasztanowaty some standouts.



There are 2 ways to access the lake. The first one is by car, bus or underground, as there are some stops right next to the area. There is also a free parking, so leaving the car parked is not a problem at all. The second one is from Madrid Río, and involves a bit of walking, so the only way to go this way is by foot or by bike. The proper route is recommended to be done walking or cycling.

Teren i siedlisko

Jezioro , Las , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Miasto/wieś , Płaskowyż , Rzeka


Płaski , Suchy , Pylisty

Trasa dookoła


Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?

Może być przydatna

Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Przez cały rok

Najlepszy czas na wizytę

Wiosenne migracje , Jesienne migracje , Zima , Wiosna


Droga utwardzona , Droga nieutwardzona

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna



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Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna
Wieża widokowa
Użyteczne miejsce
Punkt widokowy
Centrum obsługi zwiedzających
200 m

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Janusz Jagiello (2024-04-09)

mewa delawarska is seen over there from time to time. Please note that on the lake there is a traffic of boats and kayaks so waterbirds cannot be observed peacefully.

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