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One of the largest reservoirs in Galicia and a wonderful spot for water birds.
The Fervenza reservoir is an artificial lake created in 1966. Many different wetland birds can be found here, especially in winter. The surroundings of the reservoir, typically agrarian, are also home to a varied group of birds. The reservor is easy to reach, especially the Southern area. Among the birds you can encounter are cyraneczka, świstun, brodziec piskliwy, rybołów, błotniak stawowy, perkoz dwuczuby, perkozek and kormoran. In the surrounding fields in winter you can observe birds that migrate from the north like jer, kwiczoł and droździk.
Espagnol: As augas detidas do río Xallas conforman un grande encoro no que aves acuáticas de diferentes especies atoparon un lugar para vivir, especialmente en inverno, cando acolle aves procedentes de latitudes máis setentrionais. A súa profundidade, especialmente na cola, non é moita, polo que é un bo lugar para observar especies que ou se alimentan no fondo ou capturan peixes mentres mergullan. A contorna do encoro, tipicamente de agras, acolle tamén un variado elenco de aves.
On the southern border of the reservoir you can reach the shores through several roads.
Espagnol: En el borde sur del embalse se puede llegar a las orillas a través de varios caminos.
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