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An easily reached area, close to El Cotillo, that got all the interesting desert birds.
There are a lot of good places on Fuerteventura to see the classic birds; hubara saharyjska, raczak zwyczajny, stepówka czarnobrzucha but few of them are laying in close distance of a (small but still ) tourist resort as El Cotillo. A perfect place to spend holidays if you have to combine; beaches, no car, good restaurants and some nice birds.
The area is very flat but with some low hights, these are recomended to be used thoroughly. Spending some hours on one of these will show to be rewarding, especially for the hubara saharyjska.
Leaving from El Cotillo hubara saharyjska and kulon (zwyczajny) can be seen, later down the trail skowrończyk mały, stepówka czarnobrzucha and raczak zwyczajny, in the Barranco Esquinzo klaskawka kanaryjska, pokrzewka okularowa, góropatwa berberyjska can be seen. During the whole trip Sokól berberyjski , kruk, ścierwnik and swiergotek kanaryjski can be seen.
If your not going by car its recommended to rent a bike in El Cotillo, leave some hours before the sun rise to reach the "observation hight" before dawn, and then wait, hubara saharyjska can be seen S and N of the observation hight, with an inclination to E.
Later continue south towards the barranco, all the birds can be seen during the way but the "height" is the best sport for getting a propper view of the area.
It is possible to do a circular trail by following the barranco E and then turn N follwing the E side of the mountain range and in the end cross it W to get back to El Cotillo, though this didn't give any more birds than seen before.
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