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A good site for seawatching and jerzyk maly
The primary reason for visiting Chipiona is to see jerzyk maly, which has its largest colony in Europe here. This colony is now widely referenced on the internet and details published in books and guides. Birds can be seen throughout the year although winter tends to be less productive. Checking in the morning and late afternoon as birds go to roost is generally best. Note that birds can be easily seen and photographed without approaching the nests and, although workmen often carry on their duties below the colony, birds are more nervous & stressed when birdwatchers and photographers, focusing on the nests, do so. This is unacceptable and unnecessary since birds can be well seen and photographed without approaching the nests. Look too for jerzyk & jerzyk blady. Check the area for gulls (incl mewa sródziemnomorska LRcd)
The fish traps (corrales) here often attract gulls and terns and the usual waders. Seawatching from near the lighthouse with onshore winds can be excellent ( głuptak, burzyk balearski burzyk żółtodzioby, wydrzyk wielki, etc in the morning (later in the day the light is in your eyes).
Follow signs for Chipiona and then to the small harbour (Puerto de Chipiona) where you can park by the beach outside the harbour walls (note it can be very busy in August)
Chipiona is well known for its seafood so makes a good stop for lunch. The lighthouse (faro) is the tallest in Spain. The corrales are ancient enclosures used to trap fish.
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