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Golf courses are always interesting for birders. But especially the fields on the north side of the Amarilla Golf Course are nice to explore
The Amarilla Golf Course is located on the southern coast of Tenerife. Most of the golf course is sandwiched between buildings and holiday accommodation. But the north side of the golf course (hole 1 and 2) borders some rough and open authentic Tenerife landscape and also has a small waste dump (which always are attractive to birds). These three combined attract a nice array of birds and this is a very good place to spot the local subspecies of srokosz. Other birds you can observe are pustułka (zwyczajna), pokrzewka okularowa, swiergotek kanaryjski, swistunka kanaryjska and góropatwa berberyjska.
You can park along the road just north of the entrance of the Amarilla Golf Course (note that you don't block the entrance of unpaved road for trucks). Click on the P in the map for directions to the parking spot. From there you can explore the area in all directions. You are allowed to walk over the paths along the golf course as long as you respect the golf players.
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Pomóż usprawnić i poprawić informacje na temat listy gatunków występujących na obszarze „ptasiego miejsca”. (Czy chcesz podzielić się swoimi spostrzeżeniami z innymi ? Użyj przycisku „Komentarze” znajdującego się na dole strony zawierającej opis miejsca obserwacji.)
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