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Sani Pass is a mountain pass located in the Drakensberg Mountains, and reaches an elevation of over 2,800 meters.
The road leading to Lesotho follows the Sani river and different alpine habitats, from riverine habitats at the foot of the pass (Drakensberg Prinia, Bush Blackcap, Half-collared Kingfisher), protea and aloe grassland (Gurney's Sugarbird, Malachite Sunbird) as well as rocky sections (Ground Woodpecker, Rufous-necked Wryneck, Buff-streaked Chat) at the slopes and the alpine pastures on the top (Drakensberg Rockjumper, Drakensberg Siskin, Mountain Pipit, Bearded Vulture).
The road is tarred until the South African Border post. Although the local bus-taxis are also driving the road along the pass it is strongly recommended to drive it only with 4x4 vehicles, as the single road leading up the pass turns into gravel and rock road after the checkpoint. It is also possible to walk the road or drive by bike.
Photo Drakensberg Rockjumper by Alandmanson, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
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