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Vinča Pond is an interesting winter birding site near Belgrade.
Vinča Pond lies beyond the eastern suburbs of Belgrade, between the Belgrade city's main landfill and the Danube River. The pond is the part of IBA area 'Ušće Save u Dunav'.
Numerous waterfowl find the Vinča Pond an attractive wintering destination. Hundreds of krzyżówka, krakwa, cyraneczka, świstun, and Płaskonos are coming to the pond in winter. With waterfowl, also come the birds of prey, like błotniak stawowy, bielik, and orlik grubodzioby. The hilly slopes of Vinča and the sandy terrain south of the pond attract numerous myszołów.
There is also a gull-watching point on the Danube riverbank near the sandy terrain southeast of the pond. Check Vinča - Belo Brdo birding place for the gull species found there.
Vinča Pond lies beyond the eastern suburbs of Belgrade. Follow one of the 'P' markings on the map. Conditions can be very smelly as you approach the city's main landfill. Luckily, in winter, when the location is the most attractive, the bad smell is present only very near to the landfill.
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