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More than 160 species were observed from the Dorcol Quay. The best period birdwise is from November to February.
The Bank of Major Gavrilovic, colloquially called Dorcolski kej (Dorcol Quay), is possibly the best winter wildfowling spot in the city.
Highlight species: nurogęś, szlachar, bielaczek, hełmiatka, ogorzałka, uhla, nur rdzawoszyi and nur czarnoszyi. These days (winter 2025) look out for the perkoz rdzawoszyi, perkoz rogaty, lodówka, plus American czerniczka. There is a breeding pair of bielik at the Veliko Ratno Island and they can be seen year-round, but the best chances are in winter, when they hunt ducks around the island. Also, about 4000 kormoran mały overwinter in the city in recent years (down from 7000 15 years ago).
In late February and March, the only duck species that does not overwinter here is heading back – the cyranka. By the end of March, bocian czarny are back (they will be noticeable on autumn migration in late September and October, too), as well as ślepowron. In March and November żuraw are a possibility.
Photos by Josip Saric and Dragan Simic.
You can park nearby (click on a P in the map for directions to a parking) and then explore further on foot. The quay is good for walking, cycling, wheelchairs/mobility equipment users, and strollers.
Reachable by public busses 79 & 24.
Beside a few small flocks by the bank, most of the birds will be in shallows by the Veliko Ratno Island, some 400+ metres away, which calls for a scope.
No need to hurry in the morning because there is often mist hanging above the water. It happened to me that there wasn't even a trace of fog in the city, so I went down to the river - which then I couldn't see at all, not to mention the birds. There is always some breeze over the river, which is very unpleasant in winter - don't forget a warm hat and gloves.
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